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5 Benefits of Spring HVAC Maintenance (Demo)

Spring is just getting started, and with warmer temperatures and more sunshine – it’s the perfect time to get outside and enjoy it. Spring is also the perfect time to schedule your spring HVAC maintenance. As you begin to prepare your home for spring and summer, you’ll want to make sure your HVAC system is prepared for those dog days of summer as temperatures start to rise. Getting your system inspected by HVAC professionals each spring ensures a problem free spring and summer when it comes to keeping cool and comfortable. If you’re on the fence when it comes to scheduling your spring maintenance, we’ve got 5 benefits that might help. 

Identifying potential problems

No one wants to turn on their AC on the first hot summer day only to find out that there is something wrong. Scheduling spring HVAC maintenance can help you identify potential problems before there is a system breakdown. Did you know that 85% of repairs can be prevented with yearly maintenance? Breakdowns can be inconvenient and may lead to added expenses. Your maintenance appointment will usually include a thorough inspection from a professional HVAC technician who can identify anything that could go wrong when it heats up this summer. 

Extending the life of your system

One other great benefit to regular spring maintenance on your HVAC system is a longer system life. WIth regular maintenance, you can expect your HVAC system to last up to and possibly past the manufacturer’s estimated service life. Instead of regular repairs and early replacement, annual maintenance can keep your system in great shape for the summer ahead. Scheduling a regular tune up in spring can keep your system running, while it keeps you comfortable all year long. 

Did you know that regular maintenance can lead to lower utility bills? Regular maintenance keeps your system running with greater fuel efficiency, while decreasing wear and tear of your system while it ages. If maintained annually, your system should keep 95% of its’ efficiency rating for most of its lifespan. If you want to keep your expenses down when the temperatures go up, scheduling your spring maintenance is a good idea. 

Protecting your warranty

If you read the fine print on your HVAC system purchase, you’ll see that your warranty is conditional on annual maintenance inspections by a HVAC professional. Your warranty protects you in case your system malfunctions or breaks down due to an issue by the manufacturer. You’ll want to schedule your spring maintenance, so if something does go wrong with your unit – you’ll be covered. 

Finding peace of mind

Regular HVAC maintenance can give you peace of mind all year long. When you have trained HVAC professionals looking at your equipment on a regular basis, you’ll know what to expect, when repairs are needed, and be able to prevent inconvenient outages due to a system failure. If you’d like to rest easy knowing that your HVAC system is in working order before you need it, then planning for annual maintenance is your best next step. 


If you’ve been on the fence about whether you really need to schedule that spring HVAC maintenance appointment, then these 5 added benefits should help. Our team is ready and waiting to help you get started, so give us a call and schedule your spring maintenance today.