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Air Conditioning Tune-Up Service in the Twin Cities Metro

AC Tune-Up in Burnsville

Caring for Your Comfort Since 1985

In order to ensure that you maximize the lifespan of your air conditioning unit, it is important to make sure that it is receiving frequent check-ups. This means providing your unit with adequate attention to see what it might need, whether it’s cleaning, lubrication, parts replacement, or tune-up.

Tune-ups should be a regular habit for a perfectly functional AC system. Burnsville Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. is proud to offer professional AC tune-ups for an affordable price.

When you receive this service, you will notice that:

  • Your AC system is operating smoothly and quietly
  • There is a smaller risk for AC unit failure
  • Your AC system is running efficiently

Keeping Your Central Air System Efficient

Unattended AC units tend to exhibit a gradual drop in efficiency as they get older because the system has a harder time generating the needed amount of cool air. You can see if this is the case for your unit by reviewing your energy consumption over the recent months. It is never too late to call Burnsville Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. We can help you make a schedule and plan out when and how often you should have your system maintained.

Preventing AC Failure

When you frequently have your HVAC equipment tuned, there is no need to worry about system failure because the risk is vastly minimized. Our specialists can tell you the difference that frequent tune-ups will make in regards to your AC system’s lifespan and overall quality of your indoor air. Additionally, you can prevent having expensive repair work performed when you have your system tuned regularly, meaning that you can save thousands of dollars every year.

Our customers that have signed up for our preventative maintenance plan have been happy to report a noticeable difference in their AC’s performance, all thanks to a couple of tune-ups a year. Cut down on the need for emergency AC repairs and schedule regular maintenance instead.